Our methodology brings an injection of momentum to drive real results for business success

Our clients rely on our Strategic Delivery Assurance to bring:

  • Process rigour to identify the real risks and opportunities before you embark on your journey to the top
  • A breath of new life into stalling projects where the true problems cannot be seen clearly
  • New business opportunities as the risks and opportunities identified lead to new potential projects/engagements

Cut through complexity and bring insight and predictability to programmes

The core processes of the original ABCD Risk Management methodology have been developed and used under the SDA umbrella.

strategic delivery assurance infographic

SDA is underpinned by a qualitative process called Strategic Assumption Analysis (SAA). SAA is used to capture the key assumptions of the venture and assess them for risk. SAA is either used standalone or as an integral part of one or more quantitative processes ie

  • Strategic Target Analysis (STA) – calculates the % probability of meeting milestones
  • Strategic Cost Analysis (SCA) – calculates the % probability of staying within budget
  • Strategic Benefit Analysis (SBA) – calculate the % probability of delivering benefits

Find out more about Strategic Assumption Analysis and Strategic Target Analysis.