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A different perspective on risk management

Risk is inherent in every business venture; it’s how those risks are identified and managed that is important. Like experienced mountaineers who thrive on the thrill of the climb while taking the necessary safety measures and precautions, business leaders and strategists need to plan their new ventures to reap the rewards. Success comes through de-risking your plans in a pro-active, ongoing way, allowing you to climb higher without danger.

De-RISK has:

  • Saved $4m of direct costs in one week for Hewlett Packard by following recommendations from the initial analysis, and delivered exceptional return on investment.
  • Ensured a major global bank merger hit its post-merger integration milestones and was deemed the “text book merger” by the Wall Street Journal – turning a $10k pilot into a $22m engagement
  • Saved a major rail infrastructure programme from committing to impossible targets and generated multiple additional engagements for the strategic partner to help put the programme “back on the rails”.

Strategic Delivery Assurance

Our more effective approach to risk management cuts through complexity and bring insight and predictability to programmes.

What we do - white background
  • Strategic Delivery Assurance (SDA) is a rigorous, reinforcing methodology which uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques to identify and manage risky assumptions
  • Provides greater predictability of programme deliverables
  • Accurately predicts timescale / cost / benefit outcomes
  • Provides an associated roadmap of assumptions to get you from where you are predicated to be, to where you want to be
  • Simple governance processes which ensures actions are followed through and risks are pinpointed and resolved

To find out how SDA works and what it can do for your business success, click here.

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